3 Stage Water softener with Fleck 5810 SXT Upflow/Downflow Control Valve


3 Stage Water Softener with 5810 SXT Control Valve system is one of our best sellers. Current design allows for a full ¼ – ½ cu. ft. of GAC to reduce organics, chemicals, pesticides, chlorine, chloramines and much more. The softener tank contains 1, to 2½ cu. ft. of high quality resin. Using ion exchange process this system removes the calcium and magnesium that cause hard water. By eliminating hard water you extend the life of your plumbing and appliances!

This control valve can be set up Upflow or Downflow for regeneration. Downflow is the default setting for the control valve. The downflow setting is the most reliable.
Upflow settings could be set up ONLY on customer request.

(Installation is not included in the price.)

Brand: WPS inc.
MPN: 3stsoft5810sxt